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331 lines
checkbutton(n) Tk Commands
checkbutton - Create and manipulate check-button widgets
checkbutton _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e ?_o_p_t_i_o_n_s?
activeBackground bitmap fontrelief |
activeForeground borderWidth foregroundtext |
anchor cursor padX textVariable |
background disabledForeground padY |
See the ``options'' manual entry for details on the standard
Name: command
Class: Command
Command-Line Switch:-command
Specifies a Tcl command to associate with the button.
This command is typically invoked when mouse button 1
is released over the button window. The button's glo-
bal variable (-variable option) will be updated before
the command is invoked.
Name: height |
Class: Height |
Command-Line Switch:-height |
Specifies a desired height for the button. If a bitmap |
is being displayed in the button then the value is in |
screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to |
Tk_GetPixels); for text it is in lines of text. If |
this option isn't specified, the button's desired |
height is computed from the size of the bitmap or text |
being displayed in it.
Name: offValue
Class: Value
Command-Line Switch:-offvalue
Specifies value to store in the button's associated
variable whenever this button is deselected. Defaults
to ``0''.
Name: onValue
Class: Value
Command-Line Switch:-onvalue
Tk 1
checkbutton(n) Tk Commands
Specifies value to store in the button's associated
variable whenever this button is selected. Defaults to
Name: selector
Class: Foreground
Command-Line Switch:-selector
Specifies the color to draw in the selector when this
button is selected. If specified as an empty string |
then no selector is drawn for the button. |
Name: state |
Class: State |
Command-Line Switch:-state |
Specifies one of three states for the check button: |
normal, active, or disabled. In normal state the check |
button is displayed using the foreground and background |
options. The active state is typically used when the |
pointer is over the check button. In active state the |
check button is displayed using the activeForeground |
and activeBackground options. Disabled state means |
that the check button is insensitive: it doesn't |
activate and doesn't respond to mouse button presses. |
In this state the disabledForeground and background |
options determine how the check button is displayed.
Name: variable
Class: Variable
Command-Line Switch:-variable
Specifies name of global variable to set to indicate
whether or not this button is selected. Defaults to
the name of the button within its parent (i.e. the last
element of the button window's path name).
Name: width |
Class: Width |
Command-Line Switch:-width |
Specifies a desired width for the button. If a bitmap |
is being displayed in the button then the value is in |
screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to |
Tk_GetPixels); for text it is in characters. If this |
option isn't specified, the button's desired width is |
computed from the size of the bitmap or text being |
displayed in it.
Tk 2
checkbutton(n) Tk Commands
The checkbutton command creates a new window (given by the
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e argument) and makes it into a check-button widget.
Additional options, described above, may be specified on the
command line or in the option database to configure aspects
of the check button such as its colors, font, text, and ini-
tial relief. The checkbutton command returns its _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e
argument. At the time this command is invoked, there must
not exist a window named _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e, but _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e's parent
must exist.
A check button is a widget that displays a textual string or |
bitmap and a square called a _s_e_l_e_c_t_o_r. A check button has |
all of the behavior of a simple button, including the fol- |
lowing: it can display itself in either of three different |
ways, according to the state option; it can be made to
appear raised, sunken, or flat; it can be made to flash; and
it invokes a Tcl command whenever mouse button 1 is clicked
over the check button.
In addition, check buttons can be _s_e_l_e_c_t_e_d. If a check but-
ton is selected then a special highlight appears in the
selector, and a Tcl variable associated with the check but-
ton is set to a particular value (normally 1). If the check
button is not selected, then the selector is drawn in a dif-
ferent fashion and the associated variable is set to a dif-
ferent value (typically 0). By default, the name of the
variable associated with a check button is the same as the
_n_a_m_e used to create the check button. The variable name,
and the ``on'' and ``off'' values stored in it, may be modi-
fied with options on the command line or in the option data-
base. By default a check button is configured to select and
deselect itself on alternate button clicks. In addition, |
each check button monitors its associated variable and |
automatically selects and deselects itself when the vari- |
ables value changes to and from the button's ``on'' value.
The checkbutton command creates a new Tcl command whose name
is _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e. This command may be used to invoke various
operations on the widget. It has the following general
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e _o_p_t_i_o_n ?_a_r_g _a_r_g ...?
_O_p_t_i_o_n and the _a_r_gs determine the exact behavior of the com-
mand. The following commands are possible for check button
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e activate
Change the check button's state to active and redisplay
the button using its active foreground and background
Tk 3
checkbutton(n) Tk Commands
colors instead of normal colors. This command is |
ignored if the check button's state is disabled. This |
command is obsolete and will eventually be removed; use |
``_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e configure -state active'' instead.
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e configure ?_o_p_t_i_o_n? ?_v_a_l_u_e _o_p_t_i_o_n _v_a_l_u_e ...?
Query or modify the configuration options of the
widget. If no _o_p_t_i_o_n is specified, returns a list
describing all of the available options for _p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e
(see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format of
this list). If _o_p_t_i_o_n is specified with no _v_a_l_u_e, then
the command returns a list describing the one named
option (this list will be identical to the correspond-
ing sublist of the value returned if no _o_p_t_i_o_n is
specified). If one or more _o_p_t_i_o_n-_v_a_l_u_e pairs are
specified, then the command modifies the given widget
option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
command returns an empty string. _O_p_t_i_o_n may have any
of the values accepted by the checkbutton command.
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e deactivate
Change the check button's state to normal and redisplay
the button using its normal foreground and background
colors. This command is ignored if the check button's |
state is disabled. This command is obsolete and will |
eventually be removed; use ``_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e configure -state |
normal'' instead.
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e deselect
Deselect the check button: redisplay it without a
highlight in the selector and set the associated vari-
able to its ``off'' value.
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e flash
Flash the check button. This is accomplished by
redisplaying the check button several times, alternat-
ing between active and normal colors. At the end of
the flash the check button is left in the same
normal/active state as when the command was invoked. |
This command is ignored if the check button's state is |
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e invoke
Does just what would have happened if the user invoked |
the check button with the mouse: toggle the selection |
state of the button and invoke the Tcl command associ- |
ated with the check button, if there is one. The |
return value is the return value from the Tcl command, |
or an empty string if there is no command associated |
with the check button. This command is ignored if the |
check button's state is disabled.
Tk 4
checkbutton(n) Tk Commands
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e select
Select the check button: display it with a highlighted
selector and set the associated variable to its ``on''
_p_a_t_h_N_a_m_e toggle
Toggle the selection state of the button, redisplaying
it and modifying its associated variable to reflect the
new state.
Tk automatically creates class bindings for check buttons |
that give them the following default behavior: |
[1] ||
The check button activates whenever the mouse passes |
over it and deactivates whenever the mouse leaves the |
check button. |
[2] ||
The check button's relief is changed to sunken whenever |
mouse button 1 is pressed over it, and the relief is |
restored to its original value when button 1 is later |
released. |
[3] ||
If mouse button 1 is pressed over the check button and |
later released over the check button, the check button |
is invoked (i.e. its selection state toggles and the |
command associated with the button is invoked, if there |
is one). However, if the mouse is not over the check |
button when button 1 is released, then no invocation |
occurs. |
If the check button's state is disabled then none of the |
above actions occur: the check button is completely non- |
responsive. |
The behavior of check buttons can be changed by defining new |
bindings for individual widgets or by redefining the class |
check button, widget
Tk 5